Our Beans

Pascucci Bio is a truly unique coffee. If you want to taste some original and primitive scents you must try this product.
Remarkably fruity and flowery, at first glance it might appear unbalanced towards its fantastic aromatic acidity, but its sweetness will complete your palate.
Intrusive fruity notes of apricot, avocado and green almonds. A sweet coffee, with a delicate aftertaste.

Golden Sack is a blend that contains the major quantities of washed Arabica Coffees respect to natural Robusta and Arabica Blend.
This combo makes this blend rich of aromatic notes very appreciated by educated audience. the predominant tastes are fresh fruity, white flowers, malt syrup and dark chocolate. This is an innovative blend from the taste point of view, to be pleasing to all.
The spicy notes and cacao tastes change in honey, malt syrup and cacao tastes progressively as the roasted coffees endure the passage of time.

Mild Blend is the first recipe that has introduced washed coffee in Pascucci’s world.
It is composed by both natural coffee and washed ones and maintains its facility of using it with the espresso system.
It was born like an evolution of its ancestor Classic,Extra Bar Mild Blend was also designed to be extract with the espresso machine and with the moka.
This product keep intact the original aromatic characteristics of natural coffees but it is “enriched” and “refreshed” by coffees coming from the Center of America often identified as Mild coffees.
The Origins
It was 1883 when Antonio Pascucci, the son of two weavers, decided to devote himself to trade, becoming a small manufacturer. He devoted himself to alimentary products, as on the 15th of July an agreement between Italy and England was made in order to ratify the freedom of trade and navigation between the two countries. Among the products he traded there was colonial raw coffee, which became his passion.
In 1935 Mario Pascucci, involved in the continuation of his father’s work, opened the first family shop in Monte Cerignone, with the management of his wife Domenica.
In the postwar period, Dino Pascucci, Mario’s brother, opened his own coffee bar in Monte Cerignone and installed the first espresso coffee machine. His specialties are coffee and sorbets.
The 50’s
In the Fifties Alberto Pascucci decided to industrialize the roasting process and installed the first production plant. In 1963 Alberto installed the indirect-fired coffee roaster in order for an homogeneous roasting operation in order to obtain espresso coffee.
In 1975 Caffè Pascucci gave itself up to espresso coffee, abandoning the food distribution and setting up the project “only top-quality coffee”. The extra bar mild blend was created from the union of natural Arabica and Robusta and Arabica washed coffee. Then, the golden blend, composed of sweet and aromatic coffee, innovated the taste of the espresso coffee.
In 1996 the Espresso School was established; it is a vocational training centre committed to espresso and coffee recipes.
The family company CIALDINO was born in 1998 and it plays an active role in the distribution and research of the coffee monodose pods sector.
A Magic Climate
The Montefeltro territory, and especially Monte Cerignone, is the ideal microclimate source for coffee ripening and both are well known for their natural beauties.
Nobody thought that this climate could bring such a good quality to raw coffee ripening.
But just like all the things coming by chance, also coffee grows richer from our beautiful discovery.
During the ship voyage, this vegetable product, cultivated in uplands which are thousands and thousands of kilometres far, in its native land, absorbs a considerable amount of salty moisture.
40 days later
After a period of at least 40 days, raw coffee is stored in special basements and here it reaches an ideal balance in terms of moisture and temperature; in this so called “breath phase”, we can obtain a stable product, especially for the espresso: the cream is velvety and more compact.
Moreover, during the roasting process, when coffee beans get down into the cooling tank (being porous for the high temperature), they do not absorb further moisture and then they are packaged in a moisture percentage which is near to 0.
The natural oxidation is normally caused by the combination of oxygen and moisture, so in this case it is really difficult to provoke it.
In the Nineties the family decided to start up and repeat the experience gained in the coffee bar sector according to the traditional model, through design and research in order to promote the development of coffee stores showing the brand Pascucci.
In 2000 they inaugured the pilot centre CAFFÈ PASCUCCI SHOP: a single brand, replicable sales point.
In the same year, they also set up a project for a new plant intended to reach the best quality; the location is still the town of Monte Cerignone, because the climate keeps the raw coffee moisture stable. Later on, the Pascucci roasting system (with sound control) was patented.
In 2006 the Chamber of Commerce awarded a prize to Alberto Pascucci as he helped the family company to reach the winning post in terms of qualitative excellence.